Thursday, 21 August 2008

Life is brief

"Life is brief but my god Thursday afternoon seems incredibly long". Brett Whiteley had a few things right. It's amazing how slowly time passes when you should be doing something else. But set your mind to it, and plan an escape from the writing you know you should be doing and time seems to fly by at break-neck speed. I know for some other people it's the other way round. But work always makes things slower for me. Deadlines, on the other hand, never fail to arrive at a frightening velocity. Anticipated but ignored, they have a way of sneaking up on you like a cobra moving back and forth in front of a lens: you just know it's going to strike at any moment, but you can't be sure when it will lunge forward and engulf the screen. I have a fear of snakes. And deadlines. But stick with me, I might just manage to add a few more post. This is really just another procrastination exercise. But it's also a way of making writing fun again, of ridding myself of theory, and far too many footnotes. Write later, M

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